5 Reasons To Use Fancy Instead Of Pinterest
Since the Pinterest explosion, which has admittedly recently died down a little, there have been all sorts of clones popping up left and right catering to niche audiences, or even just unabashedly copying the social networking site. One social network that has already earned itself comparisons to Pinterest is Fancy, by allowing users to save and share photos on boards, with the difference of calling them ‘lists’ instead of ‘boards.’
Fancy has a lot of similarities to Pinterest, the bursting-at-the-seams social network which is driving a lot of traffic around the Web, but seems to have overtaken the giant on a few key features. Most notably, Fancy has quickly found a way to monetize its site, unlike Pinterest’s one or two attempts that didn’t go down very well with its audience – and that method of monetization is actually a huge advantage for its users.
Fancy Has Better Privacy Settings
While Pinterest does allow you to remove your Pinterest profile from search engines, there’s no way to actually lock down your profile in private mode the way you can with just about any social network you can think of. While the nature of Pinterest leans to a more public experience, there are some instances where you might want to keep your profile private – such as putting together a list of furniture for each room of your house if you’re moving into a new home.
With Fancy, under settings you can opt to keep your profile private, with your activity viewable only to your followers. Who you follow and who follows you will also be hidden from the public eye.
Fancy’s Users Are More Accurate With Categories
While you will find the occasional item incorrectly categorized on Fancy, it’s certainly not as common a problem as it is on Pinterest. This may be down to the fact that Fancy simply has less users than Pinterest, but it’s certainly a significant difference nonetheless.
We will admit that the Fancy ‘Architecture’ category has morphed into architecture and home decor, as it has on Pinterest, where for the vast majority of netizens, there seems to be a fine line between the two categories.
You Can Actually Buy Things Directly On Fancy
Unlike Pinterest, Fancy actually allows you to sell and buy items on the site. If you want to sell your items through Fancy, it’s as easy as sending in a request to do so. And if you’re on the lookout for cool and unique buys, Fancy gives you the chance to add items to your Fancy cart, and checkout through the site. There’s already a wide variety of brands available through Fancy’s e-commerce model.

The only drawback to this feature is the fact that a lot of brands have been added to Fancy that you can’t necessarily buy directly through the site. That said, the item is still simply a click of the button away. Items for sale that aren’t available to order through Fancy are accompanied by a link letting you know where you have to go to make the buy.
Investors Are Keeping An Eye On Fancy
There has already been at least one success story of a designer landing a $250,000 dealthrough the social network. Selling his item, a magnetic light switch cover, not only did Jake Frey receive hundreds of purchases in the first few days, he also managed to attract the attention of an investor to mass produce his handy little invention.

Sure not everyone is going to land a $250,000 deal through Fancy, but it’s still nice to know that someone is looking. The fact that it also gives you access to an audience that might have similar taste as you doesn’t hurt, making it just that little bit easier to market and sell your products.
You Can Earn Deals On Fancy
If you’re on the other side, looking for cool items to buy on Fancy, you’ll be happy to know that you can also find some pretty cool deals on the site. There is some pretty expensive stuff available for sale on Fancy, like this awesome Rolleiflex, going for a hefty $5,400, but you can also unlock a bunch of deals from Fancy, including one from ThinkGeek.

So not only is Fancy making it easy for you to find the coolest products available online, it’s also making it easier for you to buy them for a little less.
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